Why Is My Pregnant Dog Leaking Clear Fluid?

Updated On September 11th, 2015

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Answered By Angel Alvarado, LVT

Licensed Veterinary Technician

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If your [pregnant dog](https://www.petcoach.co/dog/condition/pregnancy/) is having some fluid discharge and she is at or near her due date, expect her to have her pups soon. Confine her to an area that is quiet (if she isn't already in a whelping box) since noise or stress can cause her to delay the delivery. If you've been [monitoring her temperature](https://www.petcoach.co/article/how-to-take-your-pet-s-temperature-in-7-easy-steps/) and it has fallen below 100 degrees, the pups should come in the next 24 hours. [As labor nears](https://www.petcoach.co/article/whelping-giving-birth-in-dogs), she may become agitated, getting up and down or licking herself. Once you see firm signs of labor, simply monitor her. Most dogs will deliver a litter without human intervention. If she does not begin pushing within 2-4 hours of the start of labor, a call or visit to your local emergency vet to ensure everything is still going fine is strongly recommended.

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