I have duck and chickens together is this going to cause fights between the ducks and chickens. I have a duck that has a hard time walking and laying down. This is the only duck that has this problem. The duck eyes look like there foggy. The duck can walk strait but when the eyes look foggy does this mean that the duck is going blind. Should this duck be on a different type of food than the others. The food that I am giving the ducks is corn. Could the duck have a disease?

Updated On April 4th, 2017

Pet's info: Farm Animal | Horse | Female | unspayed

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Answered By Jessica Desrosiers

Veterinary Technician

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Ducks should be fed more than just corn as feeding only one type of food can lead to nutritional imbalance and diseases with symptoms similar to what you are seeing. Ducks and chickens can be housed together, however they do have differing needs and males of one species may harm or harass the other which could lead to injury and illness. It would be best to have separate housing for each species as well as feed a balanced diet tailored to each as their nutritional needs can vary some. If you have a duck that is acting ill it is best to seek the care of a veterinarian near you as well as keep the duck away from the rest of your flock to avoid spread of illness as well as picking on the sick duck by any flock members.

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