Hi Melanie, thanks for answering my questions! I'm just slightly confused with the dosage information you've provided me with. previously you said to give 1,000 mg of fish oil contains 300 mg of EPA and DHA per 30 pounds but then you said I could give one Trader Joe's fish oil capsule per day which has 1100 mg of fish oil and 500 mg of EPA and DHA. My dog is 17 pounds. Which one these doses should I be giving? Thanks again!
Updated On April 5th, 2017
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Answered By Dr. Melanie, BVSc MS 102
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You are welcome! It is preferable that you give the 1,000mg containing 300mg of EPA and DHA per 30 pounds, but you can give a dose range between 20-55mg combined EPA and DHA per pound of body weight. With the Trader Joe's supplement, that's about 29mg per pound of body weight of the combined EPA and DHA so it's within the safe dose range. I'm sorry I wasn't clearer before, and I hope this clears up any confusion :-)
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