Molly won't eat she hasn't eaten in days she has mucus dripping from her noes she also has a foal who's still nursing and her body weight is dropping rapidly what can I do to make her eat she's my dads horse and my other questions we didn't socialis her foal and he's scared how can we gain his trust to come to us we were abroad when she gave birth and a neighbor was looking after our pets while we were away

Updated On April 7th, 2017

Pet's info: Farm Animal | Horse | Female | unspayed | 6 years and 8 months old

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Answered By Jennifer Summerfield, DVM CPDT-KA

Veterinarian, Certified Dog Trainer

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Poor Molly! It sounds like she's very sick. Mucus dripping from her nose could be caused by a severe respiratory infection, a problem called choke which is caused by food blocking the esophagus, or some other type of illness. Her lack of appetite and weight loss may be related to this, or could be due to a separate problem. Regardless, if she hasn't eaten in several days, this is an extremely serious problem - she may die without prompt veterinary care, so I would recommend calling an equine vet out to come and see her immediately. He/she can do a complete exam and some diagnostic testing if needed to help determine what's wrong and get her started on appropriate treatment. The foal should start to become used to you the more you are around - feeding and handling Molly, etc. Over time, he will become less afraid and you can begin gently handling him as well. Go slowly and take your time to earn his trust.

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