My puppy is excessively drooling. She is 4 months old and is drooling to the point where her face is drenched. Her breed typically does not drool, what should I do?

Updated On April 21st, 2017

Pet's info: Dog | Mixed Breed Small (up to 22lb) | Female | unspayed | 4 months and 8 days old | 5.5 lbs

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Answered By Lauren Jones VMD


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Drooling can be a sign of nausea, oral pain, or toxin ingestion. Try to determine if Vanilla has eaten anything in the house or yard, including plants, medications, trash or table scraps, as this could indicate a possible toxin exposure. Otherwise, at 4 months old, Vanilla as at the height of teething behavior. Babies and toddlers commonly drool as they cut new teeth, but this behavior would be highly unusual for puppies. Consider taking Vanilla to her vet to determine if she has significant oral pain, abdominal pain consistent with nausea, or other abnormalities on physical exam.

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