A friend is wanting to breed puppies. What worming and vaccinations would be required for the bitch and puppies from the time of breeding until the time the pups are sold out (12 weeks)? What would you recommend

Updated On April 28th, 2017

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Answered By Dr. Melanie, BVSc MS


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Great questions! The bitch will need the routine vaccines which include the DHPPi combination (distemper, hepatitis, parvovirus, parainfluenza) as well as rabies. She should be dewormed now and again in two weeks to kill any worms that may be present in her GI tract. After that, she should be dewormed every three months. I would recommend a health check with the vet for her as well before breeding. She will also need flea treatment and heartworm treatment. The puppies can start being dewormed as young as two weeks, and should be dewormed every two weeks thereafter until three months of age. They should then be dewormed every month until six months of age, and after three months after that for the rest of their lives. As for vaccines, they can get their first DHPPi combination shot at 6-8 weeks of age, and then will need two series of boosters four weeks apart (10-12 weeks of age and 14-16 weeks of age). It's very important to make sure the bitch is up to date on her flea treatment because newborn puppies cannot have any flea treatments until they are at least 6-7 weeks of age. The mother should be flea free. I hope this helps!

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