My cat has inflamed pancreas. We immediately started her on dry Royal Canin gastrointestinal yesterday...but I am not sure she has gone poo yet. I am interested in natural cures. Would it inflame her to give some oil of some kind..maybe some fish oil, or some olive oil? Is Tuna very bad for her? She vomited a lot on Wednesday and became sick. Normally, she loves to eat wet food...I have given many variations but she is only eating dry food now. Why? Is she in pain? She sleeps a lot today?

Updated On April 29th, 2017

Pet's info: Cat | Mixed Breed | Female | spayed | 2.9 lbs

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Answered By Lindsey Edwards MVB, BSc, IVCA


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Oily/fatty foods can cause stimulation of the pancreas and increased pain and vomiting and would not be recommended in Bellas case. Given the history of vomiting I would not be overly concerned about the delay in stool production but she should pass feces within 72hours of regaining her appetite and food intake.

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