wo weeks ago a neighborhood kid kicked my 14 year old Pomeranian, at first he was in pain but functional. Now this past week he has deteriorated to the point he doesn't want to eat, drink, walk. He now has to be carried to the yard to go potty where he struggles and shakes just to get up to pee, and falls back down yesterday he tried to have a bm and was unable to. He also smells an awful rotten fish and ammonia smell that is so bad the whole room smells even after a bath. We are making an appoi

Updated On May 1st, 2017

Pet's info: Dog | Mixed Breed Small (up to 22lb) | Male | neutered | 10 lbs

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Answered By Jennifer Summerfield, DVM CPDT-KA

Veterinarian, Certified Dog Trainer

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Oh, poor Jack! How awful - I'm so sorry that this happened. It looks like your question was cut off due to character limits, so I'm not sure what you wanted to ask. It sounded like you were about to say that you're making an appointment to take him to the vet, which is excellent - it sounds like he definitely needs a vet visit! In fact, I would actually recommend taking him in right away rather than waiting for an appointment, because it sounds like he's very seriously ill or injured - I would be concerned that it may not be safe to wait even another day. It's hard to know for sure what might be wrong without being able to examine him, but it sounds like he could have a serious back injury if he's unable to stand or walk on his own. This would also explain why he's been so painful. It's also possible that he has internal injuries to his liver, kidneys, or other organs that are making him feel so sick. Your veterinarian can examine him and will probably also recommend blood work and x-rays to help determine what's wrong and see what can be done to treat him.

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    Answered By Dr. Melanie, BVSc MS


    How cruel that poor Jack was kicked by a neighborhood kid! I think your post was cut off because the last bit of information I received was "We are making an appoi...." Having Jack seen by a vet is the best thing to do, and he should see a vet immediately. He sounds very ill and he could have suffered internal injuries from the kick. He needs veterinary attention now, please take him into a vet asap.

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