My cat has a bald spot on her ear that has developed what looks like a scabby scar.

Updated On May 10th, 2017

Pet's info: Cat | American Shorthair | Female | spayed

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Answered By Ann Dion, DVM


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Hello. I am sorry that Juliet isn't feeling well. The picture you have provided looks like it could be a bunch of different things including a wound that is being scratched at, pyoderma (skin infection), self-trauma scratching (ear mites or fleas being the underlying cause, look in the ears for gunk), ringworm, etc. I would recommend having your Juliet seen by a vet. Alternatively, you can get a cone for Juliet to prevent her from scratching at it, and just keep it clean with warm water wash once a day, and monitor if it heals. If it isn't healed after 3-4 days I would have it seen by a vet. Good luck with her!

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