Updated On May 12th, 2017
Pet's info: Dog | Mixed Breed Medium (23 - 60lb) | Female | spayed | 100 years and 5 months old | 16.2 lbs
Answered By Lauren Jones VMD 119
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Oh no, Toffee! First of all, determine if Toffee ingested Claritin (loratadine alone) or Claritin-D (loratadine with pseudoephedrine). If she consumed Claritin-D, she should go to the vet immediately so that vomiting can be induced and so that she can be monitored, as this can cause significant heart rate elevations and neurologic signs. Also closely read the packaging material to assure that xylitol is not present in this particular tablet. It is used in some tablet forms of loratadine and is a bigger concern than the loratadine itself, as it is highly toxic to dogs (liver damage, low blood sugar, etc.). If you are unsure if xylitol is present, I recommend calling the company on the packaging or the ASPCA animal poison control center (888-426-4435). If xylitol is present, she will need to go the vet immediately to have vomiting induced and supportive therapy started. After ruling out ingestion of a pseudoephedrine-containg product and the absence of xylitol, there are likely no major concerns about ingesting 1 tablet of loratadine. There is a chance that Toffee may exhibit slightly excitable behavior, but if she seems overly agitated, you may need to take her to the vet for supportive medications. I hope that all goes well!
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