Updated On May 21st, 2017
Pet's info: Dog | Mixed Breed | Female | spayed | 9 years and 8 months old | 12 lbs
Answered By Lauren Jones VMD 119
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Ouch, poor Lexie! These scabbed lesions around her eyelids could be due to allergies, skin infections, or infected Meibomian glands (glands that produce part of the tear film in the eyelids). Lexie will need to be examined by her vet. Until you can take her to the vet, assure that she is wearing an e-collar (cone) to prevent her from scratching or rubbing her face at all. If you do not have an e-collar, this link has tips for making one at home: http://dogsaholic.com/care/homemade-dog-cone.html. I hope that she is feeling better soon!
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