Good Day to you sir. Sir can you which breed dog should I get? My situation is like this- I live in a rented 1 BHK house. The dog cannot be noisy, as per as landlord I'm gonna raise the dog with my own money, so budger will be pretty low Also vet is in another city, so I can't go on a regular visit I'll have to attend classes, so the dog will be left alone for max 10 hours 5 days a week. The dog should be cuddly (plz) Also, I love in India, with average temparature 34°C Sir plz advice me. Plzzzz
Updated On June 1st, 2017
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Answered By Rebecca, DVM 139
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Hi. Given your requirements I would recommend that you search for an adult dog to adopt. A puppy would require frequent trips outside to become housebroken and typically may bark more. Young pups also require visits to vetfrequently for vaccines. Many breeds or mixes fit your other requirements. It's best to evaluate the animal by individual personality and temperament. You will want a dog that is fairly laid back and not high energy as it will be left alone for long periods. I'm unsure if there are shelters or places to adopt adult dogs in your area. If so many are usually very willing to help educate you and help find the dog best suited to your needs.
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