Is it absolutely necessary to spay my dog? I am not going to breed her. We live in an apartment with no yard. She is always on a leash. What age is the oldest that I can spay her?

Updated On June 6th, 2017

Pet's info: Dog | Maltese | Female | unspayed | 1 year and 5 months old | 15 lbs

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Answered By Jessica Keay, DVM


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IT is highly recommended for a few reasons. If your dog hasn't yet gone into heat or has only had one heat cycle, we can reduce the risk of her developing mammary cancer in the future by spaying her. After several heat cycles spaying doesn't affect this, so that benefit will be lost the longer you wait to spay her, but there is no age after which spaying isn't allowed, and the other main benefit to spaying is to eliminate the chance of pyometra, a dangerous uterine infection that can be life threatening and require emergency surgery. For this reason alone, it is recommended to spay all female dogs.

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    Answered By Emily, DVM


    Spaying your dog reduces the risk of mammary cancer as well as intact dogs are at risk for developing pyometra, a potentially fatal infection of the uterus. While a dog can be spayed at any age the younger they are the faster the recovery and typically less risk of complications like excessive bleeding. However the decision to spay your dog is ultimately up to you/your family.

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