Should I give my 8 week old puppy a 7 way shot or 9 way

Updated On June 9th, 2017

Pet's info: Dog | Mixed Breed | Female | 2 months and 6 days old

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Answered By Jeffrey Milner


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There are a whole lot of different vaccines available out there in the world. The one to which you are referring is the Distemper Combination vaccine. In my book, as long as the vaccine is offering protection for the distemper virus, parvovirus, adenovirus, and para-influenza, all the rest are bonuses. But, just make sure that whatever vaccine is being given offers protection for those. If not, I would choose something different. I would also make sure that if you are administering vaccines yourself rather than going to a vet, that you use a very reputable place to purchase them. If the shots were not be refrigerated or were in an inappropriate environment, they may be ineffective. Hope this helps!

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