I wanna know how much can you feed a red eared slider turtle a day? And how to know if my turtle is healthy?

Updated On June 11th, 2017

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Answered By Rebecca, DVM


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A bit depends on how old Mika is but she appears young from your pictures. Feed every day and remove uneaten food after a few minutes that she doesn't eat. She should get about 45-50 veggies, 25% animal protein (feeder fish or worms) and 25% pelleted diet. If she is active and eating that is a good sign for health. Make sure no white patches or soft spots on her shell. Keep water quality good in her tank, make sure she has areas to get out of the water and bask and full spectrum UV lighting. Here is a great article on RES care, with specific parameters. http://www.anapsid.org/reslider.html

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    Answered By Angel Alvarado, LVT

    Licensed Veterinary Technician

    You can feed your turtle as much food as it will eat in 5-10 minutes or you can offer an amount approximately equal to the size of its head. A healthy turtle will actively swim, bask and eat regularly. There will be no discharge from the eyes, nose or mouth either. Follow this link for more information. http://www.anapsid.org/reslider.html

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