While at work my dog got into and ate roughly 2 lbs of uncooked white rice. Is this dangerous? How can i help him? He's not vomiting. Stomache looks a little ful, but not bloated. Can i give him water?

Updated On June 25th, 2017

Pet's info: Dog | Mixed Breed Large (61lb +) | Male | neutered

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Answered By Destini R. Holloway, DVM


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I would suggest fasting him for 12-24 hrs to allow him time to move the rice out of his system. You can still offer him water but don't force it. At the very least he may have some upset stomach issues (vomit and or diarrhea); however if he seems lethargic, not eating or excessive vomiting of food and water then it's best to have him seen by your local vet. Howver he likely will not have any major issues and will recover within a few days to a week. Best wishes with your pet and I hope everything works out well for him. Take care.

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    Answered By Dr. Melanie, BVSc MS


    Oh no, that was naughty of your dog to eat all that rice! It's fine for him to have water, and it's good that he isn't vomiting. Because he ate so much, I recommend withholding food for the next 24 hours to allow time for his stomach to settle. His stomach may be uncomfortable from all the rice, and you could potentially see some vomiting. He should digest the rice, and I would start feeding him again tomorrow night.

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