I found a scab under my cats chin and I am not sure what it is from. It has me very nervous. She is an indoor cat and I noticed it tonight.

Updated On August 16th, 2016

Pet's info: Cat | Mixed Breed | Female | spayed

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Answered By Dr. Melanie, BVSc MS


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Dixie could have cut herself with her nails scratching her chin, and that could cause a scab to appear. She could also have cat acne, causing her to scratch the area, leading to the scab. It could also be parasites causing her to scratch at her chin. I recommend taking her into your vet just to check to be safe, and to make sure there isn't a medical issue causing her to scratch at her chin excessively. Your vet can determine if there is a medical cause behind, and how best to treat it. I would not be too nervous about it, especially if she is eating and drinking normally, behaving normally, and is using the litter box normally :-)

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