My dog ate a packing peanut will she be ok

Updated On September 11th, 2016

Pet's info: Dog | Boxer | Female | spayed

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Answered By Dr. Melanie, BVSc MS


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There are typically two types of packing peanuts. The first type is biodegradable, and the other is made of Styrofoam. To tell which type she ate, drop one in water. If it softens and dissolves, then it's biodegradable. This type will likely pass on it's own, especially if she ate only one. I would monitor her for signs of blockage, such as vomiting, lethargy, and anorexia. If you see any of those signs, she needs to go into the vet right away. If the peanuts your dog ate are Styrofoam, I would call your vet to see if they want you to induce vomiting. It may be that it will pass on it's own, or it could become stuck. There's more of a chance of this getting stuck than the other type because it isn't biodegradable. If your vet doesn't recommend to induce vomiting, you will have to monitor for the signs of obstruction I mentioned above. If it becomes stuck, she will need surgery to have it removed.

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