Do have time to answer 10 questions for cats? I'm doing a school project. 1.How do cats react to you? 2.What do cats like to do besides sleep? 3.What do cats like to eat? 4.Is it ever okay to give cats milk? Why or why not? 5.What do cats chase most? 6.What are the three most popular cat breeds? 7.Why do cats have three eyelids? 8.What are 3 of the most important things to keep your cat happy and healthy? 9.Is it bad to declaw a cat? 10.What cat breeds are best for people with allergies?

Updated On November 7th, 2016

Pet's info: Cat | Mixed Breed | Male | neutered | 13 lbs

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Answered By Dr. Melanie, BVSc MS


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1. Cats seem to like me. I personally have four cats. 2. Cats love to eat! They also like to play and get love. 3. Cats are obligate carnivores, which means they need to eat meat to survive. Different cats have different tastes. My cats love tuna, and all cats love meat and fish. I have a cat who loves to eat potato chips, especially sour cream and onion ones. She will come running if she hears a bag opening. 4. It is never ok to give cats milk. They are lactose intolerant and can't digest it. It will give them diarrhea. 5. Again, it depends on the cat. Some cats like chasing balls, while other like chasing animals on a string or feathers. 6. The Persian is #1, followed by the Maine Coon, and then the Exotic. 7. The third eyelid removes debris from the cornea, and helps to redistribute tears across the cornea. 8. It's very important to have regular health checks at your vet and vaccinate your cats. Feed them a high quality cat food, and avoid human food as many are toxic to cats. Keep them at a healthy weight, and show them lots of love and affection. 9. There are a lot of differing opinions on declawing cats. Some people think it's wrong, while others don't see a problem with it. It simply depends on personal opinion. 10. Sphynx, Devon Rex, Cornish Rex.

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