I give my dog wet and dry food but she will not eat the dry unless the wet food with it how do I just get to dry

Updated On November 12th, 2016

Pet's info: Dog | German Shepherd | Female | spayed | 3 years and 10 months old

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Answered By Dr. Melanie, BVSc MS


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Great question! I would mix the wet and dry food together, and over the course of two weeks, slowly decrease the amount of wet food and increase the amount of dry food so Maxine is eating the dry food only. Start off with 75% wet and 25% dry, and feed that for a few days. Then give her 50% wet and 50% day, feed for a couple of days. After that, give her 25% wet and 75% dry, again feeding for a couple of days. Finally, give her 100% dry, and that should encourage her to eat the dry only.

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