I bought a kc show qaulity chihuahua bitch to breed with my male chihuahua unfortunately while in the garden my neighbours mixed breed slipped through a hole in the fence and bred with her that was 4 months ago How long before I can safely breed my bitch again how many heat cycles does She have to miss before she can breed again
Updated On July 12th, 2017
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Answered By Sara Farmer, DVM 107
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The normal gestation length for a dog is about 63 days so I would expect her to have puppies by now if she were pregnant. I think you can safely breed her at her next heat cycle which will probably occur in the next two months. If she had a litter of pups a couple months ago I would recommend skipping one heat cycle before breeding again so the bitch can fully recover. Be sure to have her examined by a veterinarian before breeding to make sure she is in good health.
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