My leopard gecko hasn't been eating for 3 days. The temperature is normal, she is not shedding, the humidity is normal, and the type of food is normal. What should I do?

Updated On July 25th, 2017

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Answered By Dr. Strydom, DVM


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Kota may have an impaction. The main cause of impaction is sand or other loose substrate (Gravel, walnut shell, quartz, ect.) that your gecko might ingest during feeding. The ingested substrate doesn't digest like the rest of the food in its stomach, and either forms a mass in the stomach, or passes into the intestines and creates a blockage. This blockage prevents the gecko from pooping, and the gecko will stop eating. The sick leopard gecko will grow weak, and eventually die if not treated. Early signs of impaction are lethargy, failure to eat or poop and a bloated belly. A warm soak and a drop of olive oil or mineral oil in the mouth may help the gecko to pass the impacted matter. I recommend a warm soak for 5 minutes twice a day. You can give one drop the oil by mouth to see if that will help the impaction pass. DO NOT force the oil down the throat as you may cause her to aspirate the oil into the lungs and that would be disastrous! Just put the drop right inside the mouth. If the impaction isn't passed, the gecko will develop a thin tail as it loses weight, barely opened eyes, increasing lethargy, and a dark blue spot on his/her side. If any of these more extreme symptoms occur, rush your leopard gecko to a vet IMMEDIATELY. Impaction CAN KILL YOUR GECKO. On rare occasion, there are other things that can cause impaction. Sometimes, part of an undigested mealworm or other hard-exoskeleton insect can get lodged in your gecko's intestines. Sometimes a cyst will form inside your gecko's stomach or intestines and cause a blockage. However, that is an extremely rare occurrence. I hope this helps. Best wishes.

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