My has been sneezing with blood recently what can that be?

Updated On July 26th, 2017

Pet's info: Dog | Pug | Female | unspayed | 2 years and 1 month old

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Answered By Marcy McKeithen, DVM


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Im so sorry Luna isnt feeling well. Given her age and breed, the most likely culprit is allergies or an upper respiratory infection. The nose can be so inflamed from the aforementioned problems, it can start to bleed. Other unlikely causes are a foreign material stuck in the nose, high blood pressure, or (least likely) a mass in the nose. You should have her seem for the appropriate treatment. Hope this helps!

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    Answered By Anna M., DVM


    Sneezing with blood could be due to an upper respiratory infection (either bacterial or fungal), a foreign body (she could have snorted a seed or other object into a nostril), or a nasal polyp. It could also be related to an infected tooth, as some of the tooth roots in the upper jaw (maxilla) come very close to the nasal passage and can cause nasal discharge. In an older dog I would be concerned about the possibility of a cancerous mass/tumor, but that would be pretty unusual for a dog Luna's age. The best way to get more information would be to have Luna seen by a vet. Your vet may try to look into her nostrils with a scope, or may take a swab of nasal discharge and look at it under a microscope to look for evidence of infection. Depending on how Luna's lungs sound, your vet may recommend chest x-rays to make sure there isn't an infection deeper in the lungs. Hope this helps!

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