Do you need to take a bearded dragon to the vet and if so how often? What do they require at the vets

Updated On July 28th, 2017

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Answered By Dr. Strydom, DVM


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It is recommended to take your Beardie to the vet once a year for an examination and fecal test. Beardies don't require any vaccines. If indicated the vet may want to check a blood test too. The exam is mainly for you and vet to talk about husbandry - the diet, the housing, substrate, supplements, lighting, etc - and to make any changes based on the exam. The exam is important because a vet is trained to pick up subtle changes that may indicate an illness is imminent. That way treatment can be started before the illness gets out of hand. The fecal test is to check for any internal parasites and to treat them as needed. The blood test would be to make sure all the internal organs are working correctly. It is a good idea to be established with a good reptile vet anyway in case you have an emergency. I hope this helps. Best wishes!

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