Can you help me in nutrition best for my 7 and 4 months old, gsd and chihuahua puppies. They are not likely interested in kibbles, so i put rice, fish or meat, and few vegs with kibbles. what food should i feed them in morning that is quick to make and i do live in small town of india, so its hard to get market products. Please suggest. thank you
Updated On August 2nd, 2017
Pet's info: Dog | German Shepherd | Female | 7 months and 10 days old | 44 lbs
Answered By Emily Luisana DVM 185
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This is a great question to be asking early. Gsds and chihuahuas have different nutritional needs and large dogs in particular can have serious developmental problems if not feed properly as puppies. I am unsure of what your options are in your small town, but I would continue to look for an over the counter kibble that is AAFCO tested (there should be a section of the label addressing this). If you can't find one, I would ask your vet. You can still add a small amount of chicken, meat or rice to their food. If they only want home cooked food, I am happy to do a consultation to help you figure out which direction to go!
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