I have a 1 yr old betta fish that has stopped eating and hiding in the corner of the tank. He is in the tank on his own. He has slight red colouring on bottom fin but no other outward sign of illness. He is in a 10 litre tank with artificial plants and a small cave to hide in. He used to use his cave but now hides behind filter and heater almost motionless. His water is kept at 80 degrees F . Initially I treated for 2 weeks with promethyasul but no change. Done water quality tests all ok.
Updated On August 3rd, 2017
Pet's info: Fish | Unknown - Fish | Male
Answered By Dr. Massimo Orioles, DVM, Cert AVP, MRCVS 77
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Unfortunately the signs you are describing are quite generic and may be related to a long list of different possible diseases. What you have done so far are the right steps to determine and rule out water quality problems, bacterial infections, and I guess you tried already with different type of food. A pic of your Fred could help to determine if there is any other type of disease of him (swollen abdomen? anything on his skin or fins? any protrusion of the eyes? etc etc). If Fred is completely normal, you can try to add some small quantities of aquarium salt to the tank. Please do not hesitate to contact us again on the forum or by requesting a consultation if you have any more questions or to discuss it any further.
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Other Answers
Answered By Angel Alvarado, LVT
Licensed Veterinary Technician
Check the area around his tank. Loud noises, vibration or lighting can be just as stressful as poor water quality or infection. Aquarium salt (NOT table salt) is a great general treatment as stated. Dissolve one half to one teaspoon per gallon of water and treat for 7-10 days then perform a partial water change.
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