My 16 yr old mixed terrier is taking Prednisone daily (he has a tumor on his snout), thyroid medicine and a liver probiotic. He has deleoped a black residue on his feet. He does stand in our fish pond to get drinks a couple time a day. It is only on his front paws/lower legs. Could this be a fungal or bacterial sin infection? Any suggestions how to treat this. ?
Updated On August 6th, 2017
Pet's info: Dog | Mixed Breed Small (up to 22lb) | Male | 15 lbs
Answered By Rodrigo Roca, DVM 174
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Hello, sorry to hear about Cosmo. The site looks like it has salivary staining, so if has been licking/chewing at his feet he may have developed a skin infection which could be either bacterial, fungal or both. The best way to differentiate between them is by taking a sample from their skin and looking at it under the microscope. The prednisone can make him more susceptible to skin infections. If he continues to lick, you should determine why he is itchy and treat that cause concurrently with any skin infection he may have at the area. Your veterinarian can give you advice on which medications to use and which allergens are common in your area. Best of luck!
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