My cat has inflammatory bowel disease. He can only eat fresh chicken and fish as anything else upsets his stomach. Do i need to give any additives to his food. If yes what should i give. Thankyou

Updated On August 10th, 2017

Pet's info: Cat | Mixed Breed | Male | neutered | 5 lbs

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Answered By Dr. Leigh, DVM


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Just eating chicken and fish is not a complete and balanced diet for a cat. You could talk to your vet about trying him on a hypoallergenic diet, like z/d or d/d. Those diets usually work with IBD and are nutritionally balance for a cat. Otherwise, you could use a website called Balance It to make sure his diet is balanced. You pick the ingredients that you are feeding and then they formulate a supplement that is added to the food. Cats can develop diseases, like heart disease, if their diet is deficient.

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