My betta has fin rot. It became lethargic a few days before I could see the fin rot. It hardly eats. Is something else wrong too? I treat for fin rot, because that is what I can see, and change 30% water twice a week. I had it for 6 months. It lives in alone in a cycled 5,2 US gallon tank with many plants. It came down with whatever is wrong with it because I used equipment used to handle a sick fish that later died for my betta tank too. Stupid me. Can I do anything more?
Updated On August 13th, 2017
Pet's info: Fish | Unknown - Fish | Male | 8 months and 12 days old
Answered By Rebeccah Wood 178
Licensed Veterinary Technician, Registered Laboratory Animal Technologist
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Hello there! I'm sorry to hear that Moses has fin rot. Fin rot can be caused by either a bacteria, a fungus, or sometimes both. You're doing well by changing the water (though 20% once weekly should be sufficient - you don't want to remove too much of the tank's natural bacteria as they are what help keep the ammonia level low and maintain a natural homeostasis). Some fish experts suggest adding freshwater aquarium salt to the tank to help treat fungus at 1 teaspoon per gallon of water. Be sure to use salt made for freshwater aquariums - not table salt or marine salt. If this does not help, it may be bacterial, at which time you should contact an aquatic veterinarian or specialist for treatment options. Good luck, and I hope Moses recovers!
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