Updated On August 17th, 2017
Pet's info: Dog | Jack Russell Terrier | Male | neutered
Answered By Amber W 186
Veterinarian, Certified Veterinary Acupuncturist
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Hi and thanks for using PetCoach! Fleas can be frustrating to eradicate even when using a quality product like Bravecto. You may wish to consider a product like Capstar or even a topical flea medication in addition to the Bravecto. Products like Frontline Gold, Vectra and Advantix tend to work well. The flea life cycle sometimes necessitates that you also treat your household and even your yard to fully eradicate the infestation. Regular laundering of pet bedding can help but you may still end up needing to have an exterminators help. Finally, make sure all pets in the household are treated with a safe, quality flea preventative as often house cats that have not been treated can harbor fleas. Good luck!
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Other Answers
Answered By Dr. Macartney, BVet Med, MRCVS
The next steps would be treating your home for fleas. Fleas live most of their life cycle off of your dog. Therefore treating your home with a spray available at several pet stores, from your vet or online, will kill the large flea larvae population in your home which continues to reinfect Jimmy.
Three solid months of topical flea prevention medicine and treating your home is what is advised to rid yourself of fleas all together. Best of luck!
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