hey I know you may not know much but my betta fish has swim bladder disease and is there a way to treat it

Updated On August 21st, 2017

Pet's info: Fish | Unknown - Fish | Male | unneutered

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Answered By Ricardo Fernandez, DVM

Veterinarian, Veterinary Oncology Resident

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Hi there! Thanks for using PetCoach! There are many possible causes, and for that reason, there are many possible treatment options. It is very important to try identify what the cause is so that therapy can be targeted at that. Possible causes include constipation, overfeeding, trauma to the swim bladder (which may improve on its own), a genetic abnormality, and even an infection. If it is due to constipation, you may notice a bloated/enlarged stomach and perhaps you have noticed that he has not defecated recently. If this is the case, then the treatment of choice is at least initially to fast him for 1-2 days. If it is due to overfeeding, you may notice a similar appearance as with constipation though with normal defecation. The treatment is usually at the beginning at least to fast him for 1-2 days. If it is a genetic abnormality or even permanent trauma, then you can try to keep the water level low so that he can still reach the surface to eat. Good luck! Keeping my fingers crossed that he gets better!

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