My tortoise is breathing ok but does show signs of wheezing a bit. He has been like this off and on for a month or so. I am on a fixed income so i am trying to make sure she is ok. Most likely a respiratory infection. Can i give her zpac in small amounts to get her better for a week?

Updated On August 23rd, 2017

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Answered By Dr. Strydom, DVM


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Hi there. Yes, it does sound like Scooter has an upper respiratory infection but there is no way to be sure without an exam. You can use Azithromycin orally but you need to get the dosing correct. The dose is 10 mg/kg every 48 hours. If you want help with dosing then please post again with the tortoise's weight and the milligram strength of the Azithromycin you have. Of course, this is not recommended. We really don't condone treating empirically with antibiotics without knowing what you are treating. It would be best to get her to a vet for an exam to be 100% sure of the diagnosis and to get the properly dosed medications. I would also recommend nebulizing her by putting her in the bathroom and closing the door with a hot shower running. The steam may help clear her lungs. Finally, review all your husbandry and be sure it's correct. Usually respiratory infections happen due to incorrect husbandry (diet, heating, light, etc). I hope this helps. Best wishes.

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