My cat hasn't eaten in days. She has a very bad cold. The vet gave liquid medicines. Two other cats have the same illness. We gave them the medicines with fish and they ate it up. But its been nearly 5 days and this cat wont eat. She only drinks water and we put a little glucose in it. But if we put medicine in it she doesn't eat it. We've tried every food we can think of! She looks like she wants to eat. She goes near it all excited, sniffs it and leaves. She doesn't let herself be force-fed.
Updated On August 26th, 2017
Pet's info: Cat | Mixed Breed | Female | unspayed | 3 lbs
Answered By Kevin Sanada, DVM 190
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They sometimes do this when they are very sick with a bad upper respiratory infection (cold), because they can't breathe properly when they eat. It usually means that they are very congested and/or not getting enough treatment. My biggest concern about her not eating for several days is that she may not be drinking enough and could be getting dehydrated. If you have noticed her drinking, then this is promising, but she still may need more fluids. The best thing you can do is take her back to the vet to get assessed for dehydration and see if they can prescribe more mediation to get her eating again. In the meantime, I recommend you try a steam bath to help relieve the congestion. Below, is a link that explains how to do this: http://www.wikihow.com/Help-Your-Cat-Breathe-Easier I hope this helps and Poodi feels better soon.
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