Hello my name is Marissa and my bearded dragon is relatively young (2-3 months old) and within the few (3-4) weeks I've had him, he is showing strange symptoms of not using his limps as much. Some times he will walk but he is very nonactive. He doesn't drink water and now he is barely eating his crickets that I laced with Calcium powder. I've done so much research but i have yet to succeed of finding the answer. What could be wrong with him?

Updated On August 26th, 2017

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Answered By Susan England-Foster


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I am sorry drac is not feeling well. Our biggest concern would be metabolic bone disease. This is where reptiles have soft or weak bones which predisposes them to breaking there limbs. However it is possible drac has an infection, parasites or viral disease. I would recommend taking him to a veterinarian as soon as possible for a good exam to help determine the cause and provide more direct treatment

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