My cat just came home from a 48 hour vet visit. He is a 4 year old neutered male and was treated for a urinary blockage. His catheter was removed a few hours ago, and he is now home. He is using the litter box but only producing small amounts of urine. He also will not eat or drink. They had a hard time feeding him at the vet also. Is this normal post catheterization behavior?
Updated On August 26th, 2017
Pet's info: Cat | Domestic Shorthair | Male | neutered | 14 lbs
Answered By Dr Stafford, BVetMed, MRCVS 156
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Urinary blockage effects a cat's entire system and can make them feel very poorly. When the catheter is removed there is usually a fair bit of inflammation due to the catheter having been in place. The fact that he is producing urine is a good sign. You want to see him continue and start to produce more and more. If he appears to get duller or stop urinating take him back to the vet. He is likely not fussed on foid due to a mixture of pain and nausea, this should settle.
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