My cockatiel bird has a feather bleeding from its tail and it looks long and bleedly I'm really scared and afraid because I've been reading about blood feathers and how dangerous it can be , it's currently 11:42pm in California we're I live and I'm really scared there's not vets at this hours , my cockatiel it's screaming she seems fine but my dog pulled her tail feather I'm really Afaid
Updated On August 30th, 2017
Pet's info: Bird | Unknown - Bird | Female | unspayed
Answered By Jessica Desrosiers 40
Veterinary Technician
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Ouch poor birdie! It looks like she may have lost more than a few feathers, and yanking out healthy feathers can definitely cause bleeding and is very painful to your bird. If you have it on hand, styptic powder can be used to stop the bleeding on the skin. If you don't have that, corn or potato starch can be used as a substitute. Keep the area cleaned and dry, and if the bleeding continues, the area looks infected or badly wounded, or if Canela is in a lot of pain, seek veterinary care as soon as you can.
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