Is it okay for the dad to be around the kittens? Both my cats are inside cats so I know my boy cat got her pregnant. He hasn't hurt them just tapped one one the head. But for the most part he leaves mama and babies alone. What should I do with him?

Updated On September 6th, 2017

Pet's info: Cat | American Shorthair | Female | unspayed | 1 year old | 5 lbs

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Answered By Vanessa Yeager DVM MPH


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Hello and thank you for your question on PetCoach! I love the name- Princess Squeak Squeak- very unique! Yes it is okay for the father cat to be around the kittens. If he has left them a lone for the most part, then he will likely continue to leave them be. There is no risk in having the father cat around the kittens unless he has or starts to exhibit aggressive behavior towards them- then you will wan to keep him away. I hope this helps and best wishes to you and your new kittens!

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