My dog gave birth to one puppy few hours ago..I am unsure if there is more..but she kept on digging still..and occassional panting..she gave birth after we did some walk for about 30mins..the pup is alive and healthy..was there an instances that she might still give birth after few more hours or next day if the stuff she does means more.?

Updated On November 20th, 2016

Pet's info: Dog | Chow Chow | Female | unspayed | 1 year and 8 months old

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Answered By Angel Alvarado, LVT

Licensed Veterinary Technician

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Occasionally, there can be 2-4 hours between puppies. If she is actively straining for an hour or more without producing a pup then she should be examined by your veterinarian right away. An exam and abdominal x-rays would be recommended in this situation anyway to confirm the presence or absence of additional pups inside Dhorina.

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    Answered By Dr. Melanie, BVSc MS


    If you believe that Dhorina still has more puppies inside her and it's been more than four hours since her first puppy was born, then she has to see a vet immediately. When it has been more than four hours between puppies being born, it means she is having trouble giving birth, and needs veterinary assistance right away. She will not be able to give birth to any more puppies without assistance at that point, and her life and the lives of the puppies still inside her are at risk without help. Puppies are not born the next day after the mother having one, they are usually born within four hours of each other if there are no complications. Please take her into a vet now if it's been longer than four hours, or when four hours have passed without signs of another puppy.

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