Hello,i have a purebreed female dog (Belgian Malinois) and i mated her with another purebreed dog (Belgian Malionis) three times,but after second time that i mated her ,another dog got in the female dog space at night.my question is:if they mated what will happen with puppies,will i have more puppies of purebreed dog or the mutts one?Thanks
Updated On November 24th, 2016
Pet's info: Dog | Belgian Malinois | Female | 5 years and 8 months old | 45 lbs
Answered By Jennifer Summerfield, DVM CPDT-KA 103
Veterinarian, Certified Dog Trainer
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If another dog mated with Akira as well, there is certainly a chance that some or all of the puppies may be fathered by that dog rather than your male. There is no way to predict how many puppies (if any) will be mixed vs. how many will be purebred, since it's a matter of random chance when more than one male has mated with her. So I'm afraid you won't know until the puppies are born.
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