My dog has hip dysplasia and was operated for perineal hernia (twice) 4 months ago. My question is, is there any activity we can do at home, what kind of play and limitation we can give him that will do well on his hips but wont compromise his perineal hernia. Also, is there any supplement we can give to help prevent recurrence of his hernia? He's on glucosamine chondroitin msm with fish oil at the moment for the dysplasia and we give him lactulose for his hernia. Thank you in advance.

Updated On September 9th, 2017

Pet's info: Dog | Japanese Spitz | Male | neutered | 5 years and 10 months old | 45 lbs

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Answered By Lindsey Edwards MVB, BSc, IVCA


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I would recommend a full assessment by a veterinary rehabilitation specialist or physiotherapist given his conditions which complicate each other. Strict weight management is vital for both and i would recommend hills metabolic mobility diet for such. Acupuncture and chiropractic care may also help relieve any spasm and improve nerve control in the area and improve bowel motility

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