My dog's paws are red; she licks them frequently. My vet said it's environmental allergies. We've tried all of the following with no improvement: antihistamines, allergy shot, keeping paws clean and dry, grain-free diet, chicken-free diet, coconut oil, fish oil. We've been to the vet multiple times, but nothing is working over the last year. What should we do from here? Thank you very much!

Updated On September 15th, 2017

Pet's info: Dog | Boston Terrier | Female | spayed | 6 years and 2 months old | 22 lbs

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Answered By Vanessa Yeager DVM MPH


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Hi and thanks for your post. You may consider food allergy testing to determine what Olive is allergic to so those allergens can be avoided in the diet. There is also a medication called Apoquel that can really help as well as Cytopoint which also works very well at controlling allergy symptoms in dogs. Environmental allergy testing can help in determine what exactly she may be allergic to in her environment such as grass, pollen, weeds, etc. and an immunotherapy injection towards those substances she is allergic to is made specifically for her. These injections are a little bit expensive but works exceptionally well if all else has failed. Hope this helps and best wishes to you and Olive!

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