Age: 10, Breed: Maltese(Neuterd). Hello. I have a question about Kidney he's got blood test and the Creatine is 2; Bun: 40 And, SDMA results: 34 Also, from ultrasound test, PKD is found. So, the vet decided my dog is under stage 4 of Kidney disease from SDMA result. and I heard that his life span is 6 month left. I wonder if it is correct to say stage 4 from sdma result (34) even creatine and bun is not that high.

Updated On September 16th, 2017

Pet's info: Dog | Maltese | Male | neutered | 10 years and 3 months old | 10 lbs

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Answered By Stephanie Echols, DVM


According to the kidney council (IRIS) he is a stage 2. You need more information however. You need a urinalysis to tell you the concentration of the urine and also a protein level. You also need a blood pressure check. These are sub-stages of the renal disease. I would discuss these tests with your vet, get Dalsong on a renal diet and any medications for the protein or blood pressure. You should also check the Phosphorus level to see if he needs medications to lower that. I would then recheck everything in 2-3 months to see how things are changing. Good luck and kisses to Dalsong!

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