Hello there! I have a tortoise, a red eared slider type which doesn't want to eat. She's around 1 3/4 years old. When she was still want to eat, we gave her small fishes. Now she doesn't want to eat or even open her eyes. Her eyes actually healthy. I have been giving her bottled milk for past 3 months. I think she has some kind of digestive infection. Please help, doctor. If you can, please recommend me any medication I can get around. Thank you very much.
Updated On October 6th, 2017
Pet's info:
Answered By Angel Alvarado, LVT 44
Licensed Veterinary Technician
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Bottled milk is not an appropriate diet for a slider. This turtle should be eating mainly dark, leafy greens and fresh fruits and vegetables. Some protein can be offered in the form of small fish, nightcrawlers and insect prey. A commercial turtle diet should also be offered. The proper environment will include clean water for swimming, a dock to bask, a UVB light source and a heat source. Your turtle may be malnourished. An exam with your veterinarian or a vet experienced in treating reptiles would be recommended to diagnose and treat any infection. You can follow this link below for more information regarding care of sliders. http://www.anapsid.org/reslider.html
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