Hello, I recently adopted a 7 week old kitten who was found orphaned around 4 weeks old. I noticed that while sleeping he breathes pretty quickly and shallowly. There is no noise when he breaths but it is at a rate of about a breath per second. Otherwise seems like a healthy happy kitten. Anything to be worried about with the breathing?

Updated On October 8th, 2017

Pet's info: Cat | Mixed Breed | Male | neutered | 1 month and 18 days old | 7 lbs

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Answered By Kevin Sanada, DVM


If it's just noticed while sleeping and he isn't breathing hard when awake, then no need to worry at this time. The other thing to watch for is activity. If he had some respiratory problem that was causing him to breath hard, then he also wouldn't be as active.

If he is not playing around like a kitten and breathing hard when awake, then I would be concerned and recommend a visit to the vet.

I hope that helps and all is well with Dino.

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