I have had my bearded dragon for 17 months when i first got him he had yellow crusty skin round his mouth and flat yellow patches on his chest. Weanaged to get rid of this by treating him with flamentazine. However he now has yellow skin round his vent area which is not scabby bit looks identical could you givee some advice on this please? Other than the yellow skin he is fine eating alert and active.
Updated On October 12th, 2017
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Answered By Angel Alvarado, LVT 44
Licensed Veterinary Technician
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It looks like it could be yellow skin disease. It is becoming more common in beardies and is thought to be caused by a fungus. The antifungal/antibacterial properties of the Flamazine cream (silver sulfadiazine) likely resolved the previous infection. Have Dude examined by your veterinarian or an experienced herp veterinarian for confirmation. A culture and/or biopsy of the area may provide an answer. If it is fungal, topical treatment may work but systemic treatment is usually more effective. Clean and sanitize the cage, furniture and bowls. Monitor and prevent elevated humidity levels which can promote fungal or bacterial overgrowth.
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