My dog has diabetes and has been vomiting what Can I Give a dog for vomiting that has diabetes?

Updated On October 18th, 2017

Pet's info: Dog | Jack Russell Terrier | Male | neutered | 10 years and 9 months old | 25 lbs

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Answered By Destini R. Holloway, DVM


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Poor guy. To stop vomiting you will need a vet to prescribe Cerenia oral or give a Cerenia injection. There isn't anything over the counter unfortunately that will stop vomiting. Also I would want to know why Nicole is vomiting to begin with. Your vet likely will want to run some tests (bloodwork +/- radiographs) to determine the underlying cause of his vomiting spells so that we treat the source of the vomiting as well. Vomiting can be caused by just about any disease process in dogs, so it is very non-specific, and no treatment is contraindicated in a diabetic dog. Until you can get him in to be seen you can try feeding him a bland diet of boiled plain chicken and rice or cottage cheese to help settle his stomach a little bit. However, after your vet visit you should have a good treatment plan in order to hopefully help control his vomiting long term. Best of luck moving forward with Nickie's care and I hope he gets well soon. Take care.

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