I was hired to clean steals at the stable I board two horses. Today I got to this particular horse stall and found this wound on his belly. It has been this way all through the summer from what the stable owner said today, it is full of debris pus and flies. This condition is unacceptable to me so I would like to know how to clean it up and get it healed
Updated On October 20th, 2017
Pet's info: Farm Animal | Horse | Male | neutered
Answered By Jessica Desrosiers 40
Veterinary Technician
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It would be best to have a vet come out and take a look at the wound to properly clean it and prescribe any antibiotics or medications to help it heal. If the horse is not yours, you will need to get into contact with the owner first as it is their responsibility to care for the horse, and there can be legal issues around attempting to care for an animal that is not yours. If the owner refuses to provide care and you feel the horse is suffering, contacting your local animal control or animal shelter for assistance is best.
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