I just bought a fancy bearded dragon. It’s maybe 4 inches. I was wondering how much I should feed it. Not how many times a day but a quantity amount. How many crickets and what amount of veggies (oz)

Updated On October 21st, 2017

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Answered By Angel Alvarado, LVT

Licensed Veterinary Technician

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Feed him as many appropriately sized (no bigger than the space between his eyes) crickets or dubia roaches as he will eat in 10-15 minutes. Baby beardies are eating machines consuming as many as 80 crickets or more daily! Juveniles will eat more live pretty than vegetables. Offer about a tablespoon or two of finely chopped spring mix for him. Change it daily. You can also offer squash, peppers, asparagus, pumpkin and yams just to name a few other veggies. Avoid iceberg lettuce, celery and light colored greens. These offer little in the way of nutrition.

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