Hello! I was wondering which plants are safe and can survive in a bearded dragons enclosure? And how can I keep them in there since I use reptile carpet? I don’t think he’ll try to eat the plants so I’m not concerned with him destroying them but i am worried that he’ll lick up the dirt somehow. is add a photo of what I have now but the apps keeps crashing when I try to. Sorry! Lol but anyway thank you so much!!

Updated On October 27th, 2017

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Answered By Angel Alvarado, LVT

Licensed Veterinary Technician

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Echevaria (hen and chicks), Dracaena, Marigold, Boston fern or Bird's Nest fern are safe. Be forewarned though, any plant you put in the viv will be eaten or trampled. You may also have difficulty maintaining proper humidity levels with live plants.

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