can i give my cat cheese, milk, crackers, and cooked chicken as treats, weve ried all sorts of cat treats and she has no intrest in those although her mom and sister adore them, we have given her them before but lots of websites say not to, also my other cat steals bread is that ok for her to eat
Updated On November 8th, 2017
Pet's info: Cat | Mixed Breed | Female | spayed | 5 months and 25 days old
Answered By Anna M., DVM 167
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Hello, and thank you for using PetCoach. Small bits of cooked chicken can be a good treat for a cat, but I would stay away from the other foods you mentioned. None of those foods are dangerous, but cheese and milk can cause diarrhea and GI upset, and crackers & bread are not very nutritious for cats. Better to stick with little bits of cooked meat. Hope this helps!
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